“House of the Dragon” season two takes “Game of Thrones” fans back to Westeros.
In real life, the show has filmed across Europe on beaches and medieval towns open to the public.
From King’s Landing to Blackwater Bay, here’s how the series compares to its filming locations.
“House of the Dragon” season two returns to Westeros for the war between the Greens and Blacks.
The show is the first “Game of Thrones” prequel project to make it to the screen, as HBO and Warner Bros. continue to expand the franchise to tell new stories set in the universe created by author George R. R. Martin. The network has several prequel shows in development, including “Nine Voyages,” based on the adventures of Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint), and an animated “Golden Empire” series.
HBO also renewed “House of the Dragon” for season three shortly before the season two premiere, so it doesn’t look like the network is planning to leave Westeros behind anytime soon.
It’s understandable, given how rich the universe is. Some of the real filming locations help make the world of Westeros feel truly unique rather than relying on CGI backdrops and soundstages.
“House of the Dragon” has shown us High Tide castle in Driftmark a few times already.
The origin of St. Michael’s Mount blends history and mythology. According to the UK National Trust, the rocky island was first mentioned all the way back in 495AD. There are reportedly tales about how seafarers were drawn to it by mermaids.
Myths aside, the mount is only accessible via an ancient causeway at low tide, and stands today as part of the seaside town of Marazion, a popular destination for beachgoers and those keen to discover its rich history.
Camp Velaryon at the Stepstones in “House of the Dragon.”HBO
This was where the Velaryon army and Daemon Targaryen held their war camp.
Filming of the fictional “Stepstones” was reportedly done in Cornwall at Kynance Cove.
King’s Landing in the pilot episode of “House of the Dragon.”HBO
This was one of the courtyards that Princess Rhaenyra’s carriage crossed. The setting included what looks like a large dragon statue made from “dragonglass” (AKA obsidian).
Jumping over to Spain, “House of the Dragon” fans will probably instantly recognize the city of Cáceres as the capital of Westeros.
But the original Game of Throne kings landing filming Dubrovnik.
Viserys and young Laena in “House of the Dragon.”HBO
This scene came early in the first season, when King Viserys was offered the young Laena as a future wife.
The botanic gardens of Lloret de Mar, Spain, are where King Viserys Targaryen and Lady Laena Velaryon got acquainted.
Lloret de Mar, Spain.Vladislav Zolotov/Getty Images
In the second episode of “House of the Dragon” season one, Princess Rhaenys, Lord Corlys Velaryon, and other members of the Small Council try to persuade King Viserys Targaryen to marry his second cousin, 12-year-old Lady Laena Velaryon.
There is a scene later in the episode where Viserys and Laena are shown somewhat awkwardly getting to know each other while on a walk through beautiful, manicured gardens with views of the sea surrounding Kings Landing.
Filming took place in the Gardens of Santa Clotilde in Lloret de Mar, Spain. And that seascape might actually be real. According to Condé Nast Traveler, the botanic gardens — available to visit for 6 euros, or around $5.97 — overlook the Balearic Sea.
When the show jumps ahead 10 years in season one, episode six, we saw adult-Laena with Daemon in Pentos.
A castle in Pentos as seen in “House of the Dragon.”HBO
Daemon and Laena had taken up residence across the Narrow Sea, in a city called Pentos. The castle they were living in belonged to a lord who hired them to fight with their dragons. Filming of Pentos took place in a rather picturesque town in Granada, home to a well-preserved Italian Renaissance castle with roots dating back to 1509, according to the tourism website.
It’s also a national monument now under private ownership, but anyone can put in a request to visit.
The night-time shots of Pentos in “House of the Dragon” look much like Castillo de la Calahorra, Spain.